Hello Friends. I’m visual storyteller with this article I will help you to teach How to get Reddit karma for your new account fast and easily. Reddit is US based company, its work as news website, bookmarking website, rate content with up vote and down vote allow comment discussion. When we join reddit website we agree reddit term and conditions. And each sub reddit has its own rules. You need read rules in every sub reddit community. Some sub reddit need higher qualification to post on it, Like few years old, certain karma points and comment points.
In this article I give tips how to get karma fast for your new reddit account, you can use r/dog, r/funny, r/cat or r/meme sub reddit to post your content. In cat sub reddit no need karma and don’t have big rules. Simply find funny cat video clip or photo then post on r/cat subreddit. You will get vote up and comments. You can follow same method on r/cow, dog, fish, meme sub Reddits. You can get fast impressions, up vote and comments. This will grow your profile karma fast within few days.
I got post reply notifications after I added video, photos to r/funny, r/god, r/cat subreddits

My first cat sub reddit cat video small video clip post got 30 karma within few hours

Then I understand what I should follow to grow my karmas fast. Then I find funny video from twitter, fish, cat, little cow, dog’s funny videos, then I post r/cow, r/cat, r/dog sub reddits, I got grow fast my profile karma.

My Reddit profile 9 years old, but karma was 0 or 3. I don’t remember exactly, but it was very low amount of karma.