Facebook F8 Keynote 2019

facebook f8 keynote 2019
facebook f8 keynote 2019

In F8 Mainly focus Privacy on Facebook. Its freedom to users to be ourselves.

Facebook say its next chapter of Facebook. Facebook introduce six principles.

  1. Private interactions
  2. Encryption
  3. Reduced Permanence
  4. Safety
  5. Interoperability
  6. Secure Data Storage

Working openly, Messenger next highlight on event

Fast light speed call. End to end encrypted messaging and Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook messenger all together.

In messenger app dedicated place to closest friends and families.

You can organize people in messenger app, you can add close and important people to you here.

In this tab you can share stories favorite memories together

Next thing is watch video in messenger as party, watch video together.

Facebook event introduces Facebook messenger app for Desktop PCs.

They talk about WhatsApp private and encrypted messaging service and payment send and receive feature

Facebook Logo redesign as new trendy, lovelier and more modern look

Facebook interface redesign soft and smooth, dark mode feature add

Reaction icon more 3D looks, cute and animated long than current. Its so real

Add features to Facebook group, you can post on group as anonymously, you can ask group admin about this when posting sensitive topics. This feature specially in health support groups.

When share post on group you can choose only group members or publicly

In professional groups has new template open job application, let job-seekers apply directly through Facebook, and message the employer

 opening job application

Gaming group add chat feature

Shipping feature add Shopping groups and buyers can directly do payment to seller’s bank account.

Facebook Dating is another big topic

Secret crush on messaging app.

Meet New Friends

Privacy and safety building

This activity is private no one can see. Only can see your crush.

Instagram is another topic

Introduce Create mod

New design of profiles. Private like counts.

you can see Who like the photos, more safety secure Instagram features to prevent online bullying

Comment filtering, Nudges

Away mode

You can keep away your sensitive moments, breakup or special thing happening,

You can go Away Mod Who are being aggressive towards them on Instagram.

Next generation of Computing technology

Spart AR Studio for Windows and Mac.

AR beta for Instagram

Portal open internationally

End to end encryption for video calls

Here is highlights from the Facebook F8 2019 Events, comment your ideas and questions for more

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